People are dying suddenly, and it all got ‘hidden by huge media’ .
Not a single word about excess deaths worldwide ,Not one! or not any word spoken βMany concerns grow, what is going on?’ The MsM! Cancer is the new normal?
Now they want you to inject yourself with ofcource ‘safe and effective mRna vaccines’:
"The COVID-19 vaccination campaign is directly linked to excess mortality, with noticeable peaks tied to various vaccine rollouts across different age groups and regions. These excess deaths are evident, and it's clear that the vaccines have caused significant fatalities."
The German doctors argued that their experiments on humans were no different than those performed by Americans and Germans prior to the war. They were able to show that there were no international laws or even statements that showed a difference between legal and illegal use of humans in experimental research.
Posted with permission of our Admin:
Voluntary consent of the human subject in the experimentation is absolutely essential.
The results of the study should yield meaningful results that benefit society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and are not random or unnecessary in scope and nature.
Any experimentation should be designed and based on the results of animal experimentation, taking into consideration knowledge of the natural history of the issue under study that the results will justify the completion of the experimentation.
The methods used in the study should be conducted so as to avoid any unnecessary physical or mental suffering and injury to the subject or subjects taking part in the study.
No experimentation should be conducted where there is a prior reason to believe that disabling injury or death will occur, with the exception being if the experimental scientists conducting the study also serve as subjects in the study.
The degree of risk that subjects of the study undertake should never exceed the risk determined by the humanitarian importance of the issue under study.
All proper preparations should be made and proper facilities provided to protect the subject or subjects of the study against any possibility of injury, disability, or death.
All experiments should be conducted by persons qualified to do so. Through all stages of the experiment, all possible efforts should be taken to ensure the highest degree of skill and care are maintained.
At any point during the experiment, every human subject should be permitted to bring the experimentation to an end should the subject deem that they have reached the point where continuation of the experiment appears to the subject to no longer be possible.
As the experiment progresses, the scientist in charge must be in a state of mind that, should they deem that the continuation of the experiment could result in injury, disability, or death to the subject, the experiment will be terminated.
The Nuremberg Code has never been officially adopted by any country, it is a driving force in the decisions made when conducting human experimentation. The covid vaccination was forced on many people, and So comes rule five in order.
In a public address Thursday, President Biden announced that he will talk with the Defense Department to introduce COVID-19 vaccines into the list of mandatory vaccines for the military, and all nurse members.